
Throughout the years, I have developed projects on several platforms using different programming languages. I started working as mobile developer using jQuery Mobile - Cordova, after that I switched to being a web developer, using PHP - Symfony. At the moment I am a mobile developer using Swift on iOS and React Native.


I like this platform the most and I worked on it the longest. I also developed a few internal third-party libraries used into multiple projects.

  1. Swift 2, 3, .., 5.3
  2. MapKit / CoreLocation
  3. Alamofire / SwiftyJSON
  4. Fabric / Crashlitics
  5. KeychainAccess

React Native

I started working on it in 2021, therefore being the most recent platform used by me.

  1. Redux
  2. react-native-elements & react-native-navigation
  3. react-native-community/async-storage
  4. react-native-push-notifications
  5. react-native-maps & react-native-map-clustering


I worked mainly on projects like ShieldUP, Pontaj, and I also added different features to some of NetRom's products.

  1. Firebase - Crashlitics
  2. Retrofit
  3. OkHttp
  4. Lottie
  5. Google Map

Cordova / jQuery Mobile / Ionic

It was the first technology that I used and you can see below a few of the plugins/libraries used in the projects:

  1. Database: cordova-sqlite-storage
  2. Push Notification: cordova-plugin-push
  3. Calendar: cordova-plugin-calendar
  4. Files: cordova-plugin-file
  5. Text to speech: cordova-plugin-tts


It was the second platform where I've been worked and it's one of my favorite, in special the backend side.

  1. PHP 7 / Symfony & Swift / Vapor
  2. jQuery - AngularJS
  3. WebSockets
  4. MySQL
  5. Bootstrap


I worked on projects such as iCare and Pontaj, bellow are a few of modules that i have used.

  1. Arduino UNO
  2. SIM900
  3. LCD
  4. Photodiode
  5. Keyboard


18 Duke Street, Leek
ST13 5LG, UK

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